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•    What are Single Projects/ Single Risks we are targeting    
•      Projects that with payment terms over 6 months, and typically do not exceed 5 years with Seller and Buyer both registered in China 
•      Industries that we are keen/ having experiences already我们更倾向于/或已经接触过,具有经验的行业或项目
–     Subway projects 地铁项目的设备制造/供应商
–     High Speed Train project 高速铁路项目的设备制造/供应商
–     Manufactuers of large capital goods 大宗货品制造/供应商(如钢铁、原油、大宗农产品、基础原材料等)
–     Leasing projects with leasing items over RMB 50 million for 1 Leasee单一承租人,金额超过5000万人民币的租赁项目
•     Unlike Short-term Trade Credit, Single Risk projects is normally sent to Insurer for quotation during the Project Bidding process与国内短期信用保险不同的是,单一风险项目通常在项目的招投标阶段,就会有保险公司的介入,进行项目评估和报价
Aspects that needed to be studied
• Who is the supplier 供应商的背景
• Who is the buyer 买家的背景
• Experience of the supplier/buyer 供应商/买家在其行业的历史和经验
• The project/transaction 项目/贸易的细节
• Any other related background information 任何相关的背景信息
• The ultimate purpose of the studies is to discover as many “selling points” as possible.
• 对于案子各个方面研究和了解的宗旨,是要找出这个案子/项目尽可能多的“卖点”。
Supplier & buyer (may include but not limited to the below)
•Company name 公司名称
•Time of establishment 成立年限
•Shareholders & company background 股东及公司背景
•State owned company or not 是否是国有公司
•Position in the market 市场/行业中的地位
•Turnover/company size 营业额/公司规模
•Needs of being covered 投保的需求
•Bank involved, if any 所涉及的融资银行
•Etc. 等等
The project/transaction
•Products/services that are being involved in the project/transaction项目/贸易所涉及的产品以及服务
•Project/transaction background, e g., government invested?项目/贸易的背景,如,是否牵涉到政府投资项目?
•Amount (contract volume & insured volume) 金额(合同金额及投保金额)
•Contract period 项目的合同期限
•Payment schedule 付款方法和期限
•Down payment percentage 预付款比例,支付期限
•Credit term 付款周期,账期
•Maintenance fee 尾款比例,支付期限
•VAT 增值税发票开具细节
•Etc. 等等
•Normally we may need to study the contract in order to validate the payment term provided by the Supplier 

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